On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 11:04, Stuart Jansen wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 10:27, David Martin wrote:
> > I need a database developed for an online book exchange.  My site 
> > (www.byubookexchange.com) needs updating.  I'd like to put on it an 
> > ASP/Access database like the one on www.tusbe.com.
> You're asking in the wrong forum. Most of us have only grudging respect
> for Microsoft. ASP and Access are two products not deserving of any, in
> my opinion. You'd probably be much better off with either MySQL or
> Postgresql + PHP on Apache.
> Apache has a _much_ better security record. Night and day. Both MySQL
> and Postgresql are more reliable than Access. (And I don't like MySQL
> much either, so that's saying something.) PHP is portable so if your
> traffic grows or you need to cut costs, you won't be at Microsoft's
> mercy. 
> I'm not saying you shouldn't use Windows. That's your decision based on
> what type of support infrastructure you've got. But you shouldn't tie
> yourself up when it's easy and reasonable to keep your options open.

I would point out along with Stuart's comments, that the architecture
switch from ASP/Access to PHP/(MySQL or PGSQL) is completely doable
without needing to switch your whole server architecture from Windows to
a *nix variant. I know for certain that Apache, PHP and MySQL all run in
Windows, and my guess is that PostgreSQL does as well.

On the other hand, if you have current legacy scripts using ASP, I don't
know if you can run those under apache -- you may be tied to IIS there
(maybe not, someone else on the list could probably answer that
question). If that is so, it'll probably be more worth your time to find
someone to do your app in ASP/Access than to spend it porting ASP
scripts to PHP (if I'm not mistaken PHP can interface with Access under
windows, so you could leave your DB as is). If you do go that route,
however, you probably won't find much help on this list, as we're
dedicated to open source solutions and that's where most of our
experience lies.

Jacob Fugal

BYU Unix Users Group 
List Info: http://uug.byu.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/uug-list

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