On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 07:41, Byron Clark wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 07:44:08PM -1000, Kekoa Vincent wrote:
> > Okay, I installed Evolution 1.4, and I'm having problems syncing my palm
> > to evolution.  I've set it to the correct port and everything. 
> > Gnome-pilot-link is communicating with the palm fine, and can do all the
> > basic conduits like backup, time, and the like.  I just can't find the
> > rumored evolution conduits in the list of available conduits.  As a
> > result, the evolution calendar, address book, etc, are not touched by
> > the syncing process.  Is there anything else I need to install, to get
> > these conduits?
> > 
> Looks like this didn't get answered.... Do you have "pda" in your
> useflags.  If you have that you will get the evolution-palm conduits.

Thanks for your reply.  The flag pda is in the useflags.  It seems to
have palm support(it's in the menu), yet the conduits are not there.  I
could really use some pointers, ahem, anyone else?  Please.


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