On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 12:51, Sasha Pachev wrote:
> :-)   Speaking of which, does anybody know of a nice text editor that starts 
> up fast, can do magic, and does not require one to think VI? I've tried gvim, 
> it does not quite cut it, I want to be able to relax when I program. xemacs 
> is the best one I know of - I suppose it would have been great if only some 
> perverted mind did not decide to effectively make it a LISP application at 
> the design stage. I sure wish had the time to write one myself...

Careful, I believe that "perverted mind" was Richard Stallman's.  And
emacs is more than LISP application, it's a LISP interpreter, and that's
what makes it so extensible (i.e. able to now display images, browse the
web, act as a mail client, remember files you've opened recently and
find them for you again, act as an instant messenger client (text only
for those of you who insist), browse man pages, tie your shoes, etc.).


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