On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 09:35:44PM -0600, Andrew Jorgensen wrote:
> The way I deal with this is by sending mail through a server I can
> authenticate with, in my case this is mail.xmission.com.  Since BYU is
> blocking outgoing smtp (but not incoming?) I have to do it over SSL,
> but I should be doing that anyway, right?  Since you have you're own
> outgoing mail server this is probably a possibility for you also.

On a side note, the smtp traffic being blocked is that of a mail server
if I'm not mistaken. (ie, I can't have postfix on my laptop doing it's
own sending to the outside world, so I relay through the CS dept). I
could be wrong, but normal authentication to xmission should be fine,
but I could be wrong. If so correct me. (of course, who'd want to
plain-text authenticate)

Scott Paul Robertson
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