On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 12:50:06AM -0700, Andrew McNabb wrote:
> - Webmaster
>    1. Responsible for system administration of the club server.
>    2. Actively develops the club website to ensure stability of the site and 
> effective presentation of club information.
>    3. Provides the means for members to securely and accurately vote on club 
> business.
>    4. Supervises creation and maintenance of member accounts. 

Also remember, webmaster needs to resonably understand php. Also a new
site is going to be developed over the summer by Stuart, so who ever is
webmaster will being working with him quite a bit for a few months, and
then take over completely once the new sites up and running. This is the
only position that has a technical pre-req, so keep that in mind if

Scott Paul Robertson
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