To all potential candidates:
I am writing this on behalf of all the silent lurkers on the list, which probably form a fairly large portion of the constituency. The club website advertises 209 members, while since January 1st only 152 unique addresses have posted to the mailing list. If we consider a cutoff of say 6 posts as the upper limit for "lurkiness", the number of active members on the list shrinks drastically to 43 persons (or unique addresses), only some 20.6% of the supposed club membership.

For the purposes of this calculation, we will assume that the those listed on the website as members who are not subscribed to the list, and those subscribed but not listed as members are equal. Thus, almost 80% of the voting populace may be considered lurkers. Also, the club charter puts no stipulations on *who* may vote, so an even greater percentage of possible voters are so-called quasi-members, but who still retain a voting voice.

My question, then, on behalf of the lurkers is this: how will you, in each of your various positions, increase the value of the club to us? Obviously, each of us finds some benefit from being associated in some fringe way with the club; how will your actions increase that benefit?
In other words, what's in it for me if I vote for you, and what are you willing to do to buy the vote of the majority?

-Hyrum Wright
Member, Lurkers Anonymous

BYU Unix Users Group

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