Convience is only a matter of thought.

With a forum there is a place for on topic and off topic discussions. You don't have to set up any special filters in your email client to
make it work right. It's cleaner, easier to read, and with specific
ones you get threading, ala slashdot.

Adam FIndley

Convenience is more than a matter of thought. Graphical interfaces have always been slower than text based ones. I don't want to spend all my time waiting for GUI garbage to load. My text based client can be reached from any computer I'd use over a standard SSH connection. And I don't want our mailing list nor our server performance to be hurt by the difficulties of setting up a forum. I am a member of several forums and I avoid posting to them or reading too deeply as they can be real time sinks.

I'm not opposed to a forum, but it would need to be well crafted rather than thrown together if it were to work for me.

Scott K

BYU Unix Users Group

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