On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 08:47:42AM -0600, Ross Werner wrote:
> On Mon, 23 May 2005, Mark Gardner wrote:
> >I was under the impression that DVD playback (css encryption) was
> >illegal in the US because there was no Open Source css decoder?
> Close. DVD playback (css decryption) in Linux is illegal in the US because 
> the Open Source CSS decoders (like DeCSS) were declared unlawful under the 
> DMCA (which outlaws trafficking in technologies capable of circumventing 
> copy protection that uses encryption). The MPAA originally won lawsuits 
> preventing anyone from even *linking* to DeCSS, much less hosting it.

And the MPAA has blissfully lost the most recent appeal to their DeCSS
lawsuit. Happened about 6 months ago I think.

Scott Paul Robertson
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