Hyrum K. Wright wrote:
> I'm trying to write a promotion script for my website that blows away
> old content and uploads new content.  I would like to be able to do that
> through a non-interactive ftp script.  The only problem is that ftp
> won't delete a directory if it is empty, and I'm having difficulty
> finding a way to recurse through a directory.
> I'm tempted to investigate using kermit's ftp functions, but I would
> like to know if anybody has any better/alternate ideas for replacing
> entire directory trees on a remote machine over ftp.  (Better yet, if
> there was a way to simply sync the content, that would be great, too.)

FWIW, I found a solution using kermit.  It turns out that kermit has
some nifty switches for use with ftp to sync trees.  I can basically do
a `ftp mput /recursive /update *` and that syncs the remote tree with
the local tree.  There are definitely better solutions than this one,
but it works for what I need to use it for.  Thanks for the other


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