I guess it's 2.0.4.  I was just using the default FC3 install.  It's
been a while since I used it, though.

David Landry wrote:
> Wow.  I haven't had any of those sorts of problems, but then I just
> stick to sending/recieving mail, querying the directory for contacts,
> and creating and viewing Tasks :D
> I did find it rather bothersome that everytime I changed the GC Server
> (when I was trying to get it working) I would have to restart the
> program.  It felt oddly Windows-esque.
> What version were you using?  I suppose it's possible that a new version
> could have been released fixing those problems (Though I looked around a
> bit and couldn't find an up-to-date changelog anywhere.  Then again, I
> didn't look very hard or long.).  I'm using v2.4.1.
> -David
> Steve Meyers wrote:
>> Bryan Murdock wrote:
>>> Good luck with connector.  Its performance was pretty bad last time I
>>> tried (a few months ago).  They might have imap turned on, in which
>>> case you can use pretty much any mail client you want, including
>>> evolution.
>> We tried the Evolution connector at my office for a few months.  We
>> hated it so much that we convinced our corporate HQ to turn on IMAP so
>> we could go back to Thunderbird.  Most of us were having Evolution crash
>> at least 1-2 times per day.
>> The crashes appear to be more likely if you use more of Evolution's
>> features, such as web calendars, etc.  So if you want it to be somewhat
>> stable, avoid the extra features.
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