On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 10:21:05PM -0600, Michael Moore wrote:
> Do we have a booth this semester?
> I haven't heard about sign up or times or anything. I'm available most
> of Thursday, except from 1-3 pm.  I also have 5 or so Ubuntu CDs I can
> contribute to give away.

Ah yes. I was actually planning to do some more announcing about
meetings and this semester's schedule.

Installfest: Sept. 23
Booth: 20th through 22nd (tentative)
7th: Andrew McNabb - Python
21st: Dr. Phil Windley

The booth is still tentative since we need to determine which locations
we'll be putting it up in.

A big goal of mine, and that of the other officers', is to really
recruit some new blood into the club.

I'm working on getting us some really awesome speakers. I'm talking with
a few people right now, and have a couple more contacts to make this
week. It looks like we're in store for some pretty cool meetings this
fall. I should have more details in a few days, I'll give an update at
the meeting Thursday night.


Scott Paul Robertson
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