This is completely off topic, but look at the wacky ads that gmail
displayed for the original message (I deleted the URL's):
Calorie Burning Tip #7
Research shows this rare tea increases calorie burning by 437%

Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Weeks
The Amazing Tea that Melts Ab Flab! Melts Away 1 Jean Size Every 7 Days

Lose 20 Lbs in 10 Days
Thats right, let me show you how to lose 20 lbs in 10 days easily

Lose 18Lbs in 4 days
Yes you have read it correctly, I will show you how step-by-step

Burn Calories
Get the hottest workout information at iVillage, the Internet for Women

Does that mean that manning the booth will cause weight gain?

~ Nathan

On 9/20/06, Scott Paul Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's the start of a new semester. We need to get the word out about our
group so we can start getting more new members. The booth is one of the
best ways to do that.

However, we need people at the booth. The officers can't do everything.
Thursday is currently empty, and needs people.

We need your help! We need people to man the booth. All you have to do
is sit there and answer questions. I usually work on school work or eat
lunch while I'm sitting there.

You can sign up at

The wilk booth will be booth #4 across from career placement/employment
services. It will run 10am-3pm.

The Talmage booth will be in the lounge area of the Talmage (next to the
north-west doors). It will run 11am-3pm.

If you can't make it for a full hour, still stop by and help out if you
can. Flyers and cds will be left at the booth, along with our banner.


Scott Paul Robertson
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