On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 07:00:31PM -0600, Scott Paul Robertson wrote:
> 1. President (runner-up becomes VP) - You get to schedule meetings and
>     stuff.
> 2. PR/Secretary - You get to make fliers, announcements, etc.
> 3. Librarian/Mailing List Admin - Andrew^H^H^H^H^H^H You deal with the
>     list and library
> 4. Webmaster/SysAdmin - You'll be working in/with: Python, Django,
>     MySQL, Debian.
> Please send me your nominations at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The deadline for nominations is March 31st. Elections will begin after
> that.

So we've got just about a week left to receive nominations. Now is the
time, and if you're interested in joining the leadership of the UUG and
helping it grow, contact me now!

The club has a great history of providing opportunities to learn on your
own, meet employers, and have a darn good time. Stuart, who presented
at our last meeting, often will point out that his two major jobs that
he has had were both due to contacts formed in the UUG.

Being in the leadership of the UUG gives you an opportunity to pad your

And best of all, it's fun.

If you're worried that the position will take too much time, you really
don't need to. Leadership in the club tends to take very little time if
you do everything well.

So send your nominations (you can nominate yourself) to:

Scott Paul Robertson
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BYU Unix Users Group 

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