On Nov 13, 2008, at 7:42 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

> Grant Robinson wrote:
>> Hearing from Matt makes me long for the days when phantom was a
>> behemoth,  with fans louder than a semi, a huge selection of small
>> hard disks (< 5 GB, none of which were being used), all tucked safely
>> away in a closet inside BYUSA.
> I seem to recall 3 drives, each about 1.2GB. The fan was awesome. A/C
> powered right out of the wall socket. Oh, and it was headless so we  
> had
> to carry a CRT monitor in from a neighboring office to upgrade the  
> kernel.

That was after we took the old ones out.  At one time it had 8 or 9  
drives, most of which were not even hooked up to power but were still  
in the case. :)

> As for being "safe" inside that BYUSA broom closet, I beg to differ. I
> had to make many late night treks back to campus to turn it back on
> after a power failure.

I said nothing about being safe from power outages, just that it was  
in a locked room. :)

I really did like that machine.  What it did in its time was quite  
amazing.  At one point, it hosted the website and mailing list of  
every BYUSA club and organization (up until some BYUSA person decided  
that everyone should start writing their websites in Cold Fusion and  
they migrated most of the clubs to a Windows server. :)


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