I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 as a VirtualPC 2007 virtual machine
and I have been having some stability issues that I've so far been
unable to resolve.  An important note is that all the problems I'm
having appear on some hardware but not others.  On the troublesome
machine I have checked the physical disk and memory, and I have run
mprime overnight in the virtual machine, all without any trouble.  I
believe this more or less rules out hardware or memory/cpu
virtualization problems, but if anyone has a better test in mind, I'd
like to hear it.

The specific problem I am seeing is, as best I can tell, related to
processes starting, and potentially the way the terminal is used.  The
machine will boot and run fine, sometimes for hours, sometimes for
minutes, and then the following symptoms start to appear (all taking
place from a vterm, X isn't running).  Once these symptoms appear it's
pretty much game over and the virtual machine has to be forcibly

It seems that starting a terminal-intensive (graphically speaking)
program such as vim, top, screen can trigger a cascade effect where
the newly started program hangs before printing anything to the
terminal. It cannot be killed with ^C or backgrounded with ^Z. From
this point on, most programs (for example, ps, ping, strace) simply
cannot start, though other "small" programs such as cat, ls, tail,
ifconfig etc can usually run.  You can switch vterms with ALT+F# and
enter in a username and password, but you cannot actually log in (it
just hangs forever).  Apache will usually keep serving pages, but
server-side programs (PHP and CGI) will not run.  You cannot login via

I've played around quite a bit trying to find any clues as to what
might be causing the problems.  There appears to be nothing in the log
files (dmesg, messages, syslog, auth) that indicate any kind of
obvious problem.  I've been reading about some potential problems that
VirtualPC 2007 has hosting linux guests, and though I haven't seen any
of these manifest the systems that do not exhibit the previously
described issue, I have tried some of the "solutions" presented
online.  These usually include adding some semi-random combination of
kernel options such as noapic, nolapic, noreplace-paravirt, and noapm.
 None of these seem to have any impact on this problem.  I have also
made sure it isn't related to power management settings on the host
computer, all power saving modes (standby, hibernate, etc) are
disabled.  I have also tried disabling APM on the linux guest, but
without effect.

I realize that there are a lot of factors involved with this, but I
would love to hear any ideas you might have to troubleshoot or try and
find the cause of these issues.  Since the VM is supposedly
hardware-agnostic, I wouldn't expect the hardware differences between
the machines that host the VM without trouble (a desktop and another
laptop) and this laptop that is having problems to be the cause.

As I said, this is Ubuntu 9.04 with all updates installed, so the
kernel is "linux 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51
UTC 2009 i686".  The host operating system is Windows XP running
VirtualPC 2007 SP1 (I know, boo and hiss, but this is what I am to
work with).

Thanks for reading this (really) long message and if you have any tips
or ideas or want more info, let me know.  Any help is appreciated!

BYU Unix Users Group 

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