On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Robert LeBlanc <rob...@leblancnet.us> wrote:
> Do you know if the power supplies are in certain models of Dells so we can
> keep an eye out?

As Jake pointed out, the GX150s had problems but I'm pretty sure that
the GX260s and GX270s also had the problem with glue.  At least, I
know we've sent a few supplies from these machines to our electrical
technician guy and he said he fixed them by replacing the glue.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Jacob Albretsen <ja...@xmission.com> wrote:
> Oh, and one of the pesky chips on the GX270 motherboard liked to make
> a sound and let the smoke out.  BOOM!

Yeah, the 270s were an exciting model.  Bad caps, conductive glue, and
defective southbridges.  There were fifty-seven different ways the
magic smoke could escape from those machines.

> Oh, it was more than several dozen.  I was swapping power supplies to
> get glue replaced by our electronics guy and team for months.

Oh, well, it may have been more than a few dozen...I'm just
remembering what I did myself.  It was the low level support peons
that did most of it ;)

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