On 08/27/2010 05:20 PM, Joshua Lutes wrote:
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Stuart Jansen <sjan...@buscaluz.org <mailto:sjan...@buscaluz.org>> wrote:

    echo "Warning: Unstable frobnicator" \
       | egrep -i --color '^(warning|error)'

I was sort of hoping for something I could stick into a config file or something that would work on all of the lines written to the terminal. Anything like that?

That can be done easily enough. Just write yourself a filter, and pipe the output of your command to the filter. The filter could be a separate shell script, or a shell function. An example:

TPUT=$(which tput)
if [[ -n $TPUT && -x $TPUT ]] ; then
        R=`tput setaf 1; tput bold`
        G=`tput setaf 2; tput bold`
        Y=`tput setaf 3; tput bold`
        X=`tput sgr0`
        R=`echo -en "\\033[1;31m"`
        G=`echo -en "\\033[1;32m"`
        Y=`echo -en "\\033[1;33m"`
        X=`echo -en "\\033[0;39m"`

filter_stdout () {
        while read line ; do
                case "$line" in
                                echo -n "${R}"
                                echo -n "${Y}"
                echo -e "$line${X}"

Then, to filter & highlight your output, just pipe the command through the function:
/usr/bin/my_command | filter_stdout

To make it a shell script instead of a function, just remove the "filter_stdout() {" and "}" lines, stick a "#!/bin/bash" at the top, and name the whole file "filter_stdout".

If you really want to put your strings "into a config file", I'd suggest replacing the case statement with something like this: echo "$line" | grep -qf error_patterns.txt && echo "${R}" || { echo "$line" | grep -qf warning_patterns.txt && echo "${Y}" } Then, put all your strings/patterns into the text files (one pattern per line). This won't be quite as efficient, since you'd be reading the strings files multiple times, but would certainly work. Of course, you could also read those strings into variables in bash just once, and use the patterns multiple times, but now things are getting more complex than we probably want to discuss on the UUG.

At this point, I should point out that (depending on your particular need, and how complex your filter will be) you may get more mileage by using perl or another language, rather than staying in bash the whole time. Then again, some would argue that perl is pathologically eclectic, so use what works for you and your particular use case.

Now, I note that you mentioned wanting to filter "all of the lines written to the terminal". That's a bit trickier, but still very doable, of course. First, save a copy of stdout:
exec 3>&1

Then redirect stdout into the filter, with output going to the stdout that you can see (the copy):
exec 1> >(filter_stdout >&3)

To redirect stderr instead of stdout, use fd "2" in place of fd "1". To redirect both, make a copy of stderr (fd 2) on fd 4, and repeat the redirection with 2 & 4 (in place of 1 & 3).

This will continue filtering *all* lines written to the terminal, so after doing this, you no longer need to pipe individual commands into the filter. This will highlight "echo error" or any other occurrence of the strings in stdout, even just /usr/bin/my_command

However, be advised that by filtering stdout/stderr like that, you're likely to break a lot of programs you try to run. stdout will no longer be your terminal, so you'll get messages such as this (if you're also redirecting stderr, this would also be in color, of course):
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal

Filtering all output is likely to cause problems, so I'd recommend just using the filtering function/script when needed, and just piping into/through the filter at those times.


Frank Sorenson - KD7TZK
Linux Systems Engineer, DSS Engineering, UBS AG

BYU Unix Users Group 

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