Hey guys,

I have an Asus Eee PC netbook that I had dual-booting Windows 7
Starter and Ubuntu.  I'm going to serve a mission for the next two
years, and my family will be using it while I'm gone.  For ease-of-use
sake, they want it in near-original condition, without anything
linux-related in the way of the familiar Windows-only setup.  I
figured that it couldn't be hard to remove Ubuntu and revert the
partitions and Windows to their original states, but I was... wrong.

I booted into the computer's recovery partition (I was careful to
leave it intact when I installed Ubuntu) and clicked the only button,
"Recover," but it did not magically reformat my HD, as I had hoped.
In fact, I'm not sure if it did anything at all.  Afterwards, in a
moment of... inexperience... I deleted my Linux and swap partitions,
forgetting that grub's files were in /boot.  So when I rebooted, I got
what would have been the grub rescue console, but it was unusable.
Now I need to install a new bootloader that will load Windows 7..

Without a proper recovery CD, I can't reinstall the microsoft
bootloader.  I have some old Windows XP install discs, if those will
work, but no external cd drive to boot from.  So I tried reinstalling
grub.  Back in my Ubuntu Live USB, I created a small ext2 partition,
/dev/sda2, and tried installing grub to it with

$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda.

/mnt is where I mounted the new partition and /dev/sda is my hard
drive.  I then manually created a grub.cfg file with an entry to
chainload Windows (based on my other computer's Windows XP entry and
some googling), but I get the message "BOOTMGR is missing.  Press
Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart."  So I guess my grub menu entry is wrong
somehow.  As a temporary solution, I am now trying to reinstall Ubuntu
in dual-boot partitioning, which should automagically reinstall and
configure grub with the correct menu entries.

Is there a way that I can restore the computer to original
configuration at this point?  Or something similar?  My Windows-only
family will be using this, so I don't want them to have to manually
select their OS at boot time.  Is it possible to install grub on the
Windows partition?

Any thoughts will be appreciated.  I'm still googling for leads, but
if any of you have some expert advice, it would be helpful.

Timothy Wood
BYU Unix Users Group 

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