On 25 February 2017 at 01:05, Curtis Maloney <cur...@tinbrain.net> wrote:
> You probably want to also include in such security advice:

I wish, more php applications would work with the `php-app =` option,
i.e. they have a single file as entry-point.

When I host php apps nowdays I typically look at using the applicaiton
directory fully read-only, and with different tricks (symlinks, or
configs) to make the data leave outside.
I also set `php-allowed-ext = ` to the exact files I know are used for
that application.

* nextcloud accepted my patch for using a NEXTCLOUD_CONFIG_DIR env dir
for it's config direcory, previously it had to be inside the code.
* mediawiki can take a constant for this `php-constant =
* wordpress peoples have been ignorant -
* haven't looked at a good fix for drupal, so I just symlink sites/
outside the code directory

some examples here:

comments welcome

> 1) Never mix content and code
> Keeping your content generating code separate from your static content would
> avoid this problem entirely.  Use of static-map and its ilk can help to make
> it appear they occupy the same url tree, whilst avoiding uWSGI having to
> determine if it should try to execute the code.
> 2) Never allow users to upload to code space.
> This is a continuation of the above, but allowing users to upload content to
> anywhere "trusted" files live requires raising your level of security
> diligence significantly.
> 3) Next level: Store user provided content in a quarantine area.
> At the very least, you can strip images of extra metadata, and even
> recompress to save you hosting space, but you can also ensure some vetting
> process before exposing yourself (and your users) to potential risk.
> --
> Curtis
> On 25/02/17 01:03, Roberto De Ioris wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> By default, PHP plugin allows run any content via PHP interpreter.
>>> This behaviour can be restricted by "php-allowed-ext" config directive.
>>> Sadly, default config (no php-allowed-ext directive enforced) opens
>>> serious security
>>> hole in some environments: Remode Code Execution via user uploaded
>>> content.
>>> Take example Apache config:
>>> ProxyPassMatch "^.*\.php$" uwsgi://localhost:4000/
>>> Despite strict extension matching in ProxyPassMatch, there is a problem:
>>> If a non-privileged, authenticated user is able to upload i.e. his avatar
>>> image to the site (valid .jpg with exif info), he can put PHP code into
>>> EXIF
>>> and execute it simply by fetching:
>>> http://site.url/uploads/myavatar.jpg/anystring.php
>>> Such attacks are very widespread in community sites (forums, boards) etc.
>>> Default config is not secure enough. uWSGI configuration is a "monster",
>>> php-allowed-ext directive could be overlooked by beginners (and even more
>>> security-concious users) and open security hole.
>>> Default config should impose strict extension match (".php" only), and
>>> by overridable by first use of "php-allowed-ext".
>>> BTW, I did not check cgi-allowed-ext... could be the same problem?
>> The best thing to do currently is improve documentation warning the admins
>> about configuration best practices.
>> This link:
>> http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/PHP.html#advanced-configuration
>> could have more emphasis
>> Regarding cgi, it is the same thing, but it is something known for
>> sysadmins (it is one of the first step mapping the extensions to the
>> engine), so i do not think it is much of an issue, expecially because you
>> generally map the directory where you can safely execute cgi's.
>> Back to php, probably a default allowed-ext for ".php" is the best thing
>> to do, allowing the admin to disable it if needed.
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