
Help me wrap my head around async implementation in uwsgi. I come from perl
world and use psgi, coroae and really enjoy uwsgi. Great thing you wrote.

My problem is that Coro is an overkill for me as my programs mostly
AnyEvent (AE) based and I don't use coroutines to full power. Also, we have
problems restarting uwsgi as Coro seg faults during perl's global
destruction in our setup. In recently written service this cause a lot of
pain as our worker spawns a child and due to seg fault has no chance to
cleanup the child, what prevents uwsgi to start again.

I wonder if it's possible to get rid of Coro and implement a plugin that
would allow us to write async psgi applications using AnyEvent.

Spent some time in uwsgi's code and from what I can see uwsgi's async
implementation is a combination of co-routines and event loop. async option
allocates N "cores" within a worker to handle N requests simultaneously.
uGreen (co-routines) plugin implements uwsgi's context switches between
these N "cores" by providing operations to suspend/resume a "core". uGreen
also calls suspend/resume hooks in the request handler plugin if provided,
in my case it would probably be psgi plugin or my custom.

Open question:
* can I write such plugin that works without co-routines in perl world?
* how does event loop fits into uwsgi's async world?

Руслан Закиров
Руководитель отдела разработки веб-сервисов
+7(916) 597-92-69, ruz @  <http://www.sports.ru/>
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