
I'm trying to do the following:

1) I have two apps (say app1 and app2) running under uwsgi and
communicating over a unix file socket (they could communicate in some
other way if that's necessary as well, but that's less preferable...).
2) I would like have a uwsgi router setup speaking http and listening on
a port that forwards /app1 to app1 and /app2 to app2. It would need to
strip "/app*" from the beginning of the request.

What is the easiest way to do this? I've been searching the
docs/internet, but have only been left more confused. I know how to do
this using nginx/many other ways, but I'm trying to do this using only
uwsgi and (preferably) its emperor setup.

I'm using the debian 8 version of uwsgi (uwsgi --version: 2.0.7-debian)
and everything is stock, but I can compile my own version if that makes
it easier to receive help.

Thanks so much for any info!

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