OK after some really intense debugging is found the problem.

i can install pastedeploy without paste but it resides inside the paste
directory in site-packages.

that's not a problem if paste isn't installed. But if it's installed an
sometime downstream updated the pastedeploy directory inside paste is
lost. reinstalling pastedeploy after paste did the trick.

The problem is how do i make sure that pastedeploy is reinstalled every
time paste is updated?


Am 18.05.2017 um 21:44 schrieb jonathan vanasco:
> Are you sure that's the right virtualenv?  two things jumped out to me...
>       1. uWSGI is missing
>       2. PasteScript is missing
> Aside from that... there could be permissions errors with the UIDs reading 
> the virtualenv and egg cache.  i would check those. 
> fwiw:
> 1. i have paste, pastescript and pastedeploy in my virtualenv
> 2. when trying to recreate your issue, I personally ran into problems with 
> permissions of python packages.
> On May 18, 2017, at 1:15 AM, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
>> Am 17.05.2017 um 18:52 schrieb jonathan vanasco:
>>> can you share the output of "pip freeze"?
>>> On May 17, 2017, at 3:20 AM, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
>>>> Noting the ImportError I started to Google and found that i should
>>>> install PasteDeploy and PasteScript.
>>>> After installing both and restarting i get a differen ImportError
>>>> ImportError: No module named deploy
>>>> and the worker dies.
>>>> I tried installing deploy but no effect. What am i doing wrong?
>>>> Regards
>>>>  Estartu
>> Here the output of pip freeze of the VirtualEnv
>> appdirs==1.4.3
>> Babel==2.4.0
>> Chameleon==3.1
>> cssselect==1.0.1
>> cssutils==1.0.2
>> EventBroker==1.0
>> eventbroker-piraten-layout==1.0
>> geopy==1.11.0
>> hupper==0.5
>> icalendar==3.11.4
>> InfostandManager==1.0
>> lingua==4.13
>> lxml==3.7.3
>> Mako==1.0.6
>> MarkupSafe==1.0
>> MySQL-python==1.2.5
>> olefile==0.44
>> packaging==16.8
>> PasteDeploy==1.5.2
>> Pillow==4.1.1
>> polib==1.0.8
>> premailer==3.0.1
>> py-dateutil==2.2
>> pycurl==7.43.0
>> Pygments==2.2.0
>> pyparsing==2.2.0
>> pyramid==1.8.3
>> pyramid-chameleon==0.3
>> pyramid-debugtoolbar==4.0.1
>> pyramid-layout==1.0
>> pyramid-mailer==0.15.1
>> pyramid-mako==1.0.2
>> pyramid-tm==2.0
>> pysqlite==2.8.3
>> python-dateutil==2.6.0
>> python-editor==1.0.3
>> python-magic==0.4.13
>> pytz==2017.2
>> repoze.lru==0.6
>> repoze.sendmail==4.4.1
>> requests==2.14.2
>> six==1.10.0
>> SQLAlchemy==1.1.9
>> transaction==2.1.2
>> translationstring==1.3
>> venusian==1.1.0
>> waitress==1.0.2
>> WebOb==1.7.2
>> zope.deprecation==4.2.0
>> zope.interface==4.4.1
>> zope.sqlalchemy==0.7.7

Gerhard Schmidt    | http://www.augusta.de/~estartu/    |
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86856 Hiltenfingen | JabberID: esta...@augusta.de       |  auf Anfrage/
Tel: 08232 77 36 4 |                                    |   on request
Fax: 08232 77 36 3 |                                    |

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