On 10-04-18 12:25, Manivel Rajendran wrote:
> Hi Etienne,
> I have tried without virtualenv in uWSGI 2.0.17. It is started.
> But While accessing the URL in browser, it is giving the "Internal
> server error"
> *uWSGI log error :*
>  no python application found, check your startup logs for errors.

without looking at your settings: check that ALLOWED_HOSTS is correct.
You may need to empty it to verify that it's the culprit.

> Thanks,
> Manivel R
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 2:07 PM, Etienne Robillard <tkad...@yandex.com
> <mailto:tkad...@yandex.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Manivel,
>     Can you try without virtualenv using uWSGI 2.0.17 ?
>     Thanks,
>     Etienne
>     Le 2018-04-10 à 03:00, Manivel Rajendran a écrit :
>>     Hi,
>>     I have created a new django project and try to run that project
>>     using uwsgi. It is giving the error "i.e *ImportError: No module
>>     named site*"
>>     Here i have installed the uwsgi 2.0.15 on virtual environment.
>>     I started the uwsgi using below command
>>     # uwsgi --ini project.ini
>>     *Error log
>>     **** Starting uWSGI 2.0.15 (64bit) on [12:18:54 2018] ***
>>     compiled with version: 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-18) on 10
>>     April 2018 11:38:04
>>     os: Linux #1 SMP Tue Aug 22 18:51:35 UTC 2017
>>     nodename: test-machine
>>     machine: x86_64
>>     clock source: unix
>>     pcre jit disabled
>>     detected number of CPU cores: 12
>>     current working directory: /test_project/project1
>>     writing pidfile to /test_project/project1/uwsgi-master.pid
>>     detected binary path: /test_project/virtualenv/bin/uwsgi
>>     chdir() to /test_project/project1
>>     your processes number limit is 255301
>>     your memory page size is 4096 bytes
>>     detected max file descriptor number: 1024
>>     lock engine: pthread robust mutexes
>>     thunder lock: disabled (you can enable it with --thunder-lock)
>>     uwsgi socket 0 bound to UNIX address /var/run/uwsgi/uwsgi.sock fd 3
>>     setgid() to 48
>>     setuid() to 48
>>     Python version: 2.7.6 (default, Jan 24 2015, 23:12:37)  [GCC 4.4.7
>>     20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)]
>>     Set PythonHome to /test_project/virtualenv
>>     ImportError: No module named site
>>     *My uwsgi.ini configuration*
>>     [uwsgi]
>>     chdir= /test_project/project1
>>     module=forums.wsgi:application
>>     virtualenv= /test_project/virtualenv
>>     socket=/var/run/uwsgi/uwsgi.sock
>>     uid=apache
>>     gid=apache
>>     chmod-socket=664
>>     chown-socket=apache:apache
>>     master=True
>>     workers=2
>>     pidfile=/test_project/project1/uwsgi-master.pid
>>     max-requests=2000
>>     daemonize=/var/log/uwsgi/project1.log
>>     log-date=%%a %%b %%d %%H:%%M:%%S
>>     How to resolve this issue?
>>     Thanks
>>     Manivel R
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>>     uWSGI mailing list
>>     uWSGI@lists.unbit.it <mailto:uWSGI@lists.unbit.it>
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>     -- 
>     Etienne Robillard
>     tkad...@yandex.com <mailto:tkad...@yandex.com>
>     https://www.isotopesoftware.ca/ <https://www.isotopesoftware.ca/>
> -- 
> *Best Regards
> Manivel Rajendran*
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