So, i try to:

  signal.signal call directly after/before app, with and without
  py-call-osafterfork and py-master-check-signals options - not work

  signal.signal call in postfork function, with and
  without py-call-osafterfork option - not work

  I try to use alarms on log, but that not emits, neither when i try to
  use example from documentation. I try to:
        cmd: echo ...
        cmd: curl ...
  - not work

Probably, that is the problem with gevent which i use.

  I found some not-documented uwsgi.atexit, which work well!
It looks, that I solve the same problem as describe. So it could be
documented, because we need the PID of exited worker. For another
solution, i could need some other resources from worker. That is, why i
can't use hook-as-user-atexit.

The better could be atexit decorator, which is what i try to found


V Wed, 22 Aug 2018 14:34:49 +0200
Ondrej Tuma <> napsáno:

> Hi there,
> i try to create custom metrics for prometheus with official
> python prometheus_client library. I use uwsgi with gevent and Flask,
> with more workers.
> So i need to handle, when worker shut down to call 
>       prometheus_client.mark_process_dead(worker_pid)
> But i can't found another solution that log_alarm which will check
> message like:
>       Brutally killing worker 7 (pid: 22)...
> Please, have you anybody some better solution, or way, how can i
> check, that worker was kill. I try to use signal.signal handler but
> that not work.
> Thanks a lot.

Ondřej Tůma <>    twitter: mcbig_cz

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