> Hi all,
> My application has the ability to launch per-client Jupyter Notebooks in
> Docker containers and maintains a mapping from the client's session
> (cookie) to their Jupyter container's port. It then starts up a proxy
> application written in Node.js to allow clients to access their
> containers.
> The proxy application listens on its own port, although in production
> deployments, both uWSGI and the proxy are proxied by nginx, which serves
> the application at / and the proxy at /proxy on a single port.
> I am trying to replicate this behavior purely in a single instance of
> (without emperor) and currently everything works, except that when you
> access Jupyter via /proxy, requests to paths outside of /proxy are also
> proxied to Jupyter (instead of sent to the application). Only requests
> with
> the session cookie that accessed /proxy see this behavior, other clients
> continue to be able to access the application as usual. After around a
> minute of not making requests to /proxy, everything returns to normal and
> requests outside /proxy are again delivered to the application.
> The key seems to be the use of offload-threads: if enabled (any number),
> this behavior occurs. If not enabled, the proxy works, albeit very slowly,
> and requests to paths outside /proxy continue to be delivered to the
> application as intended.
> My configuration is here:
> https://gist.github.com/natefoo/be55129d68517d80681a5038f048c926
> In summary:
> Application at /
> Proxy at /proxy
> 1. Client requests /, request is handled by application
> 2. Client launches Jupyter Notebook via application and requests
> /proxy/jupyter/ipython/tree, request is proxied to Jupyter
> 3. Client requests /, request is proxied to Jupyter
> 4. Client requests / again after waiting ~1 minute, request is handled by
> application
> T

Hi, can you try disabling multithreading (threads: 0) and instead using
multiprocessing ? (processes: 4)

Roberto De Ioris
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