Hi. I'm trying to figure out if Flask/uwsgi is a good combination for an
app that was originally created as a tornado app. With all of the different
options available for uwsgi, I'm having a little trouble sorting it out,
and I'm hoping for some advice on to how to figure it out. I'm testing on
AWS micro instances. I'm also curious if there's any chance tornado will
look better on smaller instances than Flask, but perhaps not perform as
well in comparison, in an environment with more resources.

I think the general goal is to move the app to uWSGI, if it can be done
without too much of a performance hit, as we'd like to run the app as a
Flask app. But initial tests were pretty abysmal, which is probably
understandable given that initial tests used pretty much no custom tweaking.

The app is an API for mathematical processing -- Not machine learning ..
more like calculating the Fibonacci sequence, in that it makes calls to a
math library (sympy).
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