> I used gunicorn on the same file with pypy3 and pypy3 . Worked out of the
> box with the same code.  uwsgi with python2.7 works. I am gathering that
> devs  tend to prefer gunicorn for this reason because uwsgi is iffy with
> pypy

Hi, the pypy embedding api is something experimental by years in pypy
itself and afaik
the uWSGI pypy plugin has not got any update from 2015. Adding gevent to
the configuration is something impossible because uWSGI has its gevent
plugin based on the CPython api. If you want to use gevent with pypy in
uWSGI, you need to implement an ad-hoc c-layer or stick with pure-python
WSGI servers (like gunicorn)


Roberto De Ioris
uWSGI mailing list

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