Dear UWSGI team,

I had a bizarre problem with my Django/Wagtail app running under UWSGI
emperor. The individual sites running as vassals.  One in particular
which is probably the single biggest wagtail site we've built to date
has recently run into problems.  It revolved around reading a .env file
with our third party API keys stored in it.  There were two files that
we used.  One for the test keys and one for the live keys.  However I
deleted all the files containing test keys and/or moved them completely
out of that directory/folder and yet even after restarting the vassal
(using the touch command on the ini file) it still seemed to use the
same file contents as though the file was not being closed and
reopened.  This meant that even though we thought the website was
running in live mode with the live API keys to a webservice it was in
fact still running with the test API keys. In fact it didn't read the
correct contents until I restarted the emperor process itself.  Does
anyone know what options to add into the vassal .ini file to ensure
that all file handles are recycled on a vassal reload as it doesn't
appear to be the default option.

Here is my ini contents.

chdir = /home/webquest/html/
uid = webquest
gid = webquest
socket = /tmp/%n.sock
chmod-socket = 666
plugins = python3
processes = 1
master = 1
module = racingtips.wsgi_production:application
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=racingtips.settings.production
# Use home directive to specify virutalenv path
virtualenv = /home/webquest/venvs/
logto = /home/webquest/logs/
log-reopen = 1
static-map = /static=/home/webquest/html/
static-map = /media=/home/webquest/html/

and at the moment I simply run emporer as:

screen -m uwsgi --emperor ~/vassals/

Can someone see anything I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.


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