Hope this helps someone sometime .

One suggestion was that I make a tool . Something like a 90* screw
driver & use it through the rubber boot. Didn't think of that but will
look into it next time .
 Another was to use twine in a loop threaded up through the hole in the
swingarm . Tried a wire loop but couldn't make it work by myself .
 I tried the rubber plug but could not get enough of my stubby finger in
there to do any good .
 Tried the shaft by it's self but was not strong enough to move the
shaft around and if it did work I could not verify the input to the
diff's grease seal was right .
Several said that it is much easier if there is two pepole . I agree !!!
 I found that these steps worked on "my bike, today" 1: make sure the
u-joint is pointing down 2: then put it into gear 2: install the
swingarm 3: push the swingarm all the way down with the shocks
disconected 4: slide in the pumpkin and the shaft as one unit 5: then
slide in the wheel and test by hand for operation both in and out of
gear 5: Keep your Kool it does take patience .
Thanks for the Help
Eric H.
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