Well ... this message you sent was not in HTML format .... If you are
using Microsoft "Outlook Express" .. you can select "Tools" and then
"Options" ... Look for the "Send" options tab .. and in there you
should find a switch for HTML or Text mail format, (select Text).

Actually, I thought Paul was complaining about me .. because I
received a message the other day with a colored background, (a sure
sign it is HTML). I did a "reply" and of course it went back out in
HTML format even though my options are set for text. I noticed that
when replying to such a message .. that you can just select "Format"
and toggle the message back to text before sending.

If you are using anything other than "Outlook Express" .. then, (even
though you appear to be OK anyhow), look around in the setup options
of you mail program for "send format" and I am sure you will find
something comparable.

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: HTML WARNING!!!!!

> how do you know if you have your html
> settings on or off ?
> snip <

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