V-Max wrote:

> V-Max                          Tue, 2 May 2000           Volume 1 : Number 627

To the guy asking about Nology wires, a few hints.

These are not just a bolton and go; there are some things to heed, to make them work, 
and they do work, and work well, IF U take the time and effort to install them 

Ist and foremost, they MUST be well-waterproofed. Dielectric grease on the ends, 
before installing in the coils, and silicone
spray, or a similiar moisture seal, work wonders preventing moisture, a real killer of 
signal in these wires.

In addition, keeping them away from the wiring harness, or any type of electrical 
interference, will prevent crossover of any  pulse or signal
(these are VERY sensitive wires indeed...)

One last thing  found, recently, was a VERY intermittant miss, at idle, and just 
off-idle speeds, in one bike, out of 3 'identical' late-model MAXs getting wires at 
the same time....
(the other 2 worked FLAWLESSLY)
When the problem was finally tracked down, it was found that it was simply a lean 
The Nology wires will take a MAX from running rich, to running lean, with nothing but 
a plug and wire change(it will burn more fuel...), and will take a MAX that is 
typically lean, from stock, and
make it too lean...

If U take the necessary precautions, instead of simply discounting their 
effectiveness, when they don't work properly right 'out of the box'...
U will find more power, and a more efficient way to burn that MAX mix...

Yes, I do sell Nologys, and, like the rest of the SportMax products, I sell them 
because they work, and work WELL,
for me...

As with the rest of the SportMax products, there are both VMOA discounts, and a 100% 
money-back guarantee, if the wires are received in the same shape they were 
sent(trimming is OK; necessary with
a MAX; 'butchered' is not...)(If I get wires back, and I install them on a  MAX here, 
and they work just as advertised, there will be a 20% restocking fee.)

Hope this helps U make a clear and informed decision;
Thanx for asking!


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