The saga continues...  I gave the mechanic at Rio Yamaha in Las Cruses, New 
Mexico all the printed E:Mail responses to my oil consumption problem that 
all of you guru's provided.  He did a leak down check, and compression check 
- all OK.  He pulled the plugs that have been in for 500 miles and compared 
then to the plugs that had been in for 2000 miles.  He seems to think there 
are slight aluminum desposits on the ceramic insulator - a slight glitter 
shine in the sunshine.  He is going to check the top of the pistons with a 
bore scope tomorrow.  He seems to think that Team Mister Yamaha in El Paso 
installed the hole shot 4/1 pipe and drilled the four 1/2" holes in my "Y" 
without rejetting the bike (my $350 dyno tune!) leading to a lean situation.  
The owner is going to bat with Yamaha tomorrow to see if they will cover the 
labor to push pull the motor - $875.  He says that is the only way he can 
verify that the valve guides/seals are bad.

My question to you is since the motor is going to be broken down this far, I 
want to put the good stuff in, What do you recommend in as far as 
pistons/rings etc.

This guy, he seems to know his stuff, he only works on Yamaha's, says you 
should use a top quality NON synthetic motor oil for the first 5000 miles 
with changes at every < 2000 mile or three month intervals (which ever comes 
first).  This will prevent viscosity break down and at the same time ensure a 
good ring/guied seat.  THEN go to your high dollar full synthetic oil for the 
remaining life of the bike.

VMOA 1328
The "P-51" Long Range Max
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