Whew . . .

10 hours in the saddle - well maybe not quite  - but left my house at
9:10 AM and didn't touch the driveway again until 9:15 PM. That's a full
day in the (Sportmax) saddle!

I was glad for an opportunity to recon the October 21st FIRST ANNUAL NE
CHAPTER V.M.O.A. RUN with Jim Horrocks (94 Max) and Howard Parfitt (99

Living in South Jersey there are ZERO hills and precious few winding
roads, but the Pocono Mountains are the opposite. Both Jim & Howard are
knowledgeable of where the best roads are, and plan on leading the way.
Combine that with the extraordinary color show a la Mother Nature, their
ride is one no Northeast member should miss!

If you are anywhere near drive distance to the Allentown (Pennsylvania)
area ... warn the wife NOW - you've got something to do on the 21st!

I also want to say I owe this list a debt of gratitude for all the V-Max
specific tricks learned along the way. The one post explaining fuel pump
repair made the difference between sitting and W-A-I-T-I-N-G for  a
trailer rescue and popping the part off and whipping the Quick Fix out
on its ass!

I was sandwiched between Jim & Howard - winding our way down about our
15th mountainside - driving along an improved (read that "paved") goat
trail, when my bikes motor  sputtered to a stop. It acted exactly as if
it ran out of gas, but in actuality about a gallon remained. 

I had been listening to the clickclickclickclickclick of the dam fuel
pump "acting up" again. I chose to ignore it and now . . .in an off
camber downhill sweeper . . .pocono mountain goat trail . . .the dam
thing decides to take a shi* ! 

Very much like Wifer Dearest . . .My Max hates to be ignored. It always
gets even. 


I was equipped with cell phone and credit card - BUT NO TOOLS. 

Actually, my friends who ARE mechanics strictly forbid me to handle any
tools. One guy goes so far as to have me confess what I touched on the
bike so he can go over it and "make it right" again! (He just re-wired
my MSD shift light . . .soldering the connections). 

So, here we are, 3 of the VMOA's finest, disabled - tucked tight against
the mountainside on a 10 foot wide seriously DOWNHILL lane, (did I
mention blind curve . . .it was so bad ZERO bikers stopped to offer aid
. . .they were just too delighted to have missed clipping us on their
way by!) when Jim decided to do the Director-ly thing and produce a
dusty cotton wrapped tool bag holding an incomplete tool kit - from some
nook or cranny on his bike.

If it were not for this list and William Delaune,Jim Furbur,and Mike
Sayers collaboration on exactly HOW TO fix the dam pump, I could STILL
BE STUCK THERE trying to convince Howard a length of clothesline is a
fine and safe method to move a crippled V-Max down off a mountain. Jim
looked like he would go for it. But tow line or trailer antics were
completely unnecessary - as armed with alittle e-knowledge from this
list - even I can rebuild the fuel pumpy thing.

Well, I did.

...and I am NOT EVEN going to go into why I had to be push started in
downtown Hooterville...

See ya on the 21st

Tony Pace

Williamstown, N.J.
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