Re:     Has anyone used JCMotors to ship a bike. I'm getting ready to ship a Max
buying from New Jersey to California. Have done a ton of research, checked
all the shipping companies, and these guys seam to have the best price and
insurance coverage. Any experiences you could relate about this company
would be appreciated.


I purchased my Vmax from a cat in Indiana.  I used JCMotors to ship the bike
from there to me in Portland Oregon.  It depends on how eager you are to get
your bike.  If you can wait, they are probably fine.  For me it took about a
month for them to go get the bike and then another 3 weeks to get it to me.
When I tried to discuss a refund with them as they had committed to an
earlier date for the drop off, they said they do not guarantee any date for
drop off.  I said there has to be a guarantee of some kind.  She said no.  I
said what if it is 6 months.  She said that the money I paid was for
delivery and they are not responsible for how long it may take.  When the
bike finally arrived, it had been shipped well.  They give you the pallet, 4
straps and they drop it off at your door(if the 65 foot trailer can make it
down your street).  Their customer service after the sale SUCKS.  But, at
around $550 to ship from the east to the west, they are the cheapest.  Maybe
you will have quicker service than I did.

1986 ChainDrive

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