Replying outside rietveld since it's down.  Fixed all comments unless
otherwise noted.

> Line 147: Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetTable(REGEXP);
> Shouldn't this be tracking compilation cache misses and hits like the
> other lookup functions?

I've added two new counters to track this.

> Line 147: Handle<CompilationCacheTable> table = GetTable(REGEXP);
> Be careful not to leak the table handle into the surrounding handle
> scope. You should have a HandleScope here like in the generic static
> Lookup function.
> Line 148: return Handle<Object>(table->LookupRegExp(*source, flags));
> The return value is different from the other lookup functions (they
> return empty handles on miss). Is there a good reason for this?

Nope, and I've changed it.  I did actually wonder why the other
functions didn't just return empty handles but it turns out that, as
usual, I misunderstood handle.is_null() as checking for a non-empty
handle containing the null value rather than checking for an empty

> Line 148: int flags = JSRegExp::NONE;
> Would it make sense to have some sort of opaque data type for RegExp
> flags? Using 'int' seems a bit too generic. Sometimes we use an enum
> with no entries; see Code::Flags.

The reason I didn't do it was that I dislike casting back and forth
between ints and enums.  But it does help readability a lot so I've
changed it.

> Line 381: case JSRegExp::ATOM:
> Fix switch indentation. The cases should be indented with two spaces.

Good point.  That was my eclipse code style setting showing through.

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