Date: Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
New Revision: 625


Implement Array::concat function in C++.

The performance of Array::concat is critical of jQuery benchmark from Our current implementation in JavaScript is very
generic and is several times slower than JSC and SpiderMonkey.

Re-implement Array::concat in C++ to take advantage of underlying  
details. This cuts dom-travesal-jquery execution time by half.

We may want to move Array specific implementation into a separate source  

Review URL:

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/array.js
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/array.js (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/array.js Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -373,48 +373,15 @@

  function ArrayConcat(arg1) {  // length == 1
-  var arg_number = 0, arg_count = %_ArgumentsLength();
-  var n = 0;
-  var A = $Array(1 + arg_count);
-  var E = this;
-  while (true) {
-    if (IS_ARRAY(E)) {
-      // This is an array of intervals or an array of keys.  Keys are
-      // represented by non-negative integers.  Intervals are represented  
-      // negative integers, followed by positive counts.  The interval  
-      // is determined by subtracting the entry from -1.  There may also be
-      // undefined entries in the array which should be skipped.
-      var intervals = %GetArrayKeys(E, E.length);
-      var length = intervals.length;
-      for (var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
-        var key = intervals[k];
-        if (key < 0) {
-          var j = -1 - key;
-          var limit = j + intervals[++k];
-          for (; j < limit; j++) {
-            if (j in E) {
-              A[n + j] = E[j];
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          // The case where key is undefined also ends here.
-          if (!IS_UNDEFINED(key)) {
-            A[n + key] = E[key];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      n += E.length;
-    } else {
-      A[n++] = E;
-    }
-    if (arg_number == arg_count) break;
-    E = %_Arguments(arg_number++);
+  // TODO: can we just use arguments?
+  var arg_count = %_ArgumentsLength();
+  var arrays = new $Array(1 + arg_count);
+  arrays[0] = this;
+  for (var i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
+    arrays[i + 1] = %_Arguments(i);

-  A.length = n;  // may contain empty arrays
-  return A;
+  return %ArrayConcat(arrays);

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/       (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/       Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@

+Handle<Dictionary> Factory::NewDictionary(int at_least_space_for) {
+  ASSERT(0 <= at_least_space_for);
+  CALL_HEAP_FUNCTION(Dictionary::Allocate(at_least_space_for), Dictionary);
  Handle<DescriptorArray> Factory::NewDescriptorArray(int  
number_of_descriptors) {
    ASSERT(0 <= number_of_descriptors);

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/factory.h
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/factory.h        (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/factory.h        Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
    static Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArray(
        int size,
        PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+  static Handle<Dictionary> NewDictionary(int at_least_space_for);

    static Handle<DescriptorArray> NewDescriptorArray(int  

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/       (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/       Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -5751,7 +5751,7 @@
      int n, HashTableKey* key) {
    int capacity = Capacity();
    int nof = NumberOfElements() + n;
-  // Make sure 20% is free
+  // Make sure 25% is free
    if (nof + (nof >> 2) <= capacity) return this;

    Object* obj = Allocate(nof * 2);

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/       (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/       Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -3987,6 +3987,237 @@

+ * A simple visitor visits every element of Array's.
+ * The backend storage can be a fixed array for fast elements case,
+ * or a dictionary for sparse array. Since Dictionary is a subtype
+ * of FixedArray, the class can be used by both fast and slow cases.
+ * The second parameter of the constructor, fast_elements, specifies
+ * whether the storage is a FixedArray or Dictionary.
+ */
+class ArrayConcatVisitor {
+ public:
+  ArrayConcatVisitor(Handle<FixedArray> storage, bool fast_elements)
+    : storage_(storage), fast_elements_(fast_elements), index_offset_(0) {  
+  void visit(uint32_t i, Handle<Object> elm) {
+    uint32_t index = i + index_offset_;
+    if (fast_elements_) {
+      ASSERT(index < static_cast<uint32_t>(storage_->length()));
+      storage_->set(index, *elm);
+    } else {
+      Handle<Dictionary> dict = Handle<Dictionary>::cast(storage_);
+      Handle<Dictionary> result =
+          Factory::DictionaryAtNumberPut(dict, index, elm);
+      if (!result.is_identical_to(dict))
+        storage_ = result;
+    }
+  }
+  void increase_index_offset(uint32_t delta) {
+    index_offset_ += delta;
+  }
+ private:
+  Handle<FixedArray> storage_;
+  bool fast_elements_;
+  uint32_t index_offset_;
+ * A helper function that visits elements of a JSObject. Only elements
+ * whose index between 0 and range (exclusive) are visited.
+ *
+ * If the third parameter, visitor, is not NULL, the visitor is called
+ * with parameters, 'visitor_index_offset + element index' and the element.
+ *
+ * It returns the number of visisted elements.
+ */
+static uint32_t IterateElements(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
+                                uint32_t range,
+                                ArrayConcatVisitor* visitor) {
+  uint32_t num_of_elements = 0;
+  if (receiver->HasFastElements()) {
+    Handle<FixedArray> elements(FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements()));
+    uint32_t len = elements->length();
+    if (range < len) len = range;
+    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+      Handle<Object> e(elements->get(j));
+      if (!e->IsTheHole()) {
+        num_of_elements++;
+        if (visitor)
+          visitor->visit(j, e);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    Handle<Dictionary> dict(receiver->element_dictionary());
+    uint32_t capacity = dict->Capacity();
+    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < capacity; j++) {
+      Handle<Object> k(dict->KeyAt(j));
+      if (dict->IsKey(*k)) {
+        ASSERT(k->IsNumber());
+        uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(k->Number());
+        if (index < range) {
+          num_of_elements++;
+          if (visitor) {
+            visitor->visit(index,
+                           Handle<Object>(dict->ValueAt(j)));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return num_of_elements;
+ * A helper function that visits elements of an Array object, and elements
+ * on its prototypes.
+ *
+ * Elements on prototypes are visited first, and only elements whose  
+ * less than Array length are visited.
+ *
+ * If a ArrayConcatVisitor object is given, the visitor is called with
+ * parameters, element's index + visitor_index_offset and the element.
+ */
+static uint32_t IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements(Handle<JSArray> array,
+                                                 ArrayConcatVisitor*  
visitor) {
+  uint32_t range = static_cast<uint32_t>(array->length()->Number());
+  Handle<Object> obj = array;
+  static const int kEstimatedPrototypes = 3;
+  List< Handle<JSObject> > objects(kEstimatedPrototypes);
+  // Visit prototype first. If an element on the prototype is shadowed by
+  // the inheritor using the same index, the ArrayConcatVisitor visits
+  // the prototype element before the shadowing element.
+  // The visitor can simply overwrite the old value by new value using
+  // the same index.  This follows Array::concat semantics.
+  while(!obj->IsNull()) {
+    objects.Add(obj);
+    obj = Handle<Object>(obj->GetPrototype());
+  }
+  uint32_t nof_elements = 0;
+  for (int i = objects.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+    Handle<JSObject> obj = objects[i];
+    nof_elements +=
+        IterateElements(Handle<JSObject>::cast(obj), range, visitor);
+  }
+  return nof_elements;
+ * A helper function of Runtime_ArrayConcat.
+ *
+ * The first argument is an Array of Arrays and objects. It is the same as
+ * the arguments array of Array::concat JS function.
+ *
+ * If an argument is an Array object, the function visits array elements.
+ * If an argument is not an Array object, the function visits the object
+ * as if it is an one-element array.
+ */
+static uint32_t IterateArguments(Handle<JSArray> arguments,
+                                 ArrayConcatVisitor* visitor) {
+  uint32_t visited_elements = 0;
+  uint32_t num_of_args =  
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_of_args; i++) {
+    Handle<Object> obj(arguments->GetElement(i));
+    if (obj->IsJSArray()) {
+      Handle<JSArray> array = Handle<JSArray>::cast(obj);
+      uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(array->length()->Number());
+      uint32_t nof_elements =
+          IterateArrayAndPrototypeElements(array, visitor);
+      // Total elements of array and its prototype chain can be more than
+      // the array length, but ArrayConcat can only concatenate at most
+      // the array length number of elements.
+      visited_elements += (nof_elements > len) ? len : nof_elements;
+      if (visitor) visitor->increase_index_offset(len);
+    } else {
+      if (visitor) {
+        visitor->visit(0, obj);
+        visitor->increase_index_offset(1);
+      }
+      visited_elements++;
+    }
+  }
+  return visited_elements;
+ * Array::concat implementation.
+ * See ECMAScript 262,
+ */
+static Object* Runtime_ArrayConcat(Arguments args) {
+  ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
+  HandleScope handle_scope;
+  CONVERT_CHECKED(JSArray, arg_arrays, args[0]);
+  Handle<JSArray> arguments(arg_arrays);
+  // Pass 1: estimate the number of elements of the result
+  // (it could be more than real numbers if prototype has elements).
+  uint32_t result_length = 0;
+  uint32_t num_of_args =  
+  { AssertNoAllocation nogc;
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_of_args; i++) {
+      Object* obj = arguments->GetElement(i);
+      if (obj->IsJSArray()) {
+        result_length +=
+            static_cast<uint32_t>(JSArray::cast(obj)->length()->Number());
+      } else {
+        result_length++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Allocate an empty array, will set length and content later.
+  Handle<JSArray> result = Factory::NewJSArray(0);
+  uint32_t estimate_nof_elements = IterateArguments(arguments, NULL);
+  // If estimated number of elements is more than half of length,
+  // A fixed array (fast case) is more time & space-efficient than a  
+  bool fast_case = (estimate_nof_elements * 2) >= result_length;
+  Handle<FixedArray> storage;
+  if (fast_case) {
+    storage = Factory::NewFixedArray(result_length);
+  } else {
+    // TODO(126): move 25% pre-allocation logic into Dictionary::Allocate
+    uint32_t at_least_space_for = estimate_nof_elements +
+                                  (estimate_nof_elements >> 2);
+    storage = Handle<FixedArray>::cast(
+                  Factory::NewDictionary(at_least_space_for));
+  }
+  Handle<Object> len =  
+  ArrayConcatVisitor visitor(storage, fast_case);
+  IterateArguments(arguments, &visitor);
+  result->set_length(*len);
+  result->set_elements(*storage);
+  return *result;
  // This will not allocate (flatten the string), but it may run
  // very slowly for very deeply nested ConsStrings.  For debugging use only.
  static Object* Runtime_GlobalPrint(Arguments args) {

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/src/runtime.h
--- branches/bleeding_edge/src/runtime.h        (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/src/runtime.h        Tue Oct 28 07:47:50 2008
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
    /* Array join support */ \
    F(PushIfAbsent, 2) \
+  F(ArrayConcat, 1) \
    /* ConsStrings */ \
    F(ConsStringFst, 1) \

Modified: branches/bleeding_edge/test/mjsunit/array-concat.js
--- branches/bleeding_edge/test/mjsunit/array-concat.js (original)
+++ branches/bleeding_edge/test/mjsunit/array-concat.js Tue Oct 28 07:47:50  
@@ -67,6 +67,14 @@
    assertEquals("undefined", typeof(a[123]));
    assertEquals("baz", c[123]);

+  // If the element of prototype is shadowed, the element on the instance
+  // should be copied, but not the one on the prototype.
+  Array.prototype[123] = 'baz';
+  a[123] = 'xyz';
+  assertEquals('xyz', a[123]);
+  c = a.concat(b);
+  assertEquals('xyz', c[123]);
    // Non-numeric properties on the prototype or the array shouldn't get
    // copied. = 'joe';

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