Date: Tue Dec  2 05:49:36 2008
New Revision: 897


Merge WinXP SP3 performance fix to 0.3 branch (version

Modified: branches/0.3/src/
--- branches/0.3/src/     (original)
+++ branches/0.3/src/     Tue Dec  2 05:49:36 2008
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@

  const char* v8::V8::GetVersion() {
-  return "";
+  return "";

Modified: branches/0.3/src/date-delay.js
--- branches/0.3/src/date-delay.js      (original)
+++ branches/0.3/src/date-delay.js      Tue Dec  2 05:49:36 2008
@@ -109,24 +109,27 @@

  // ECMA 262 -
  function EquivalentYear(year) {
-  // Returns an equivalent year in the range [1956-2000] matching
+  // Returns an equivalent year in the range [2008-2035] matching
    // - leap year.
    // - week day of first day.
    var time = TimeFromYear(year);
-  return (InLeapYear(time) == 0 ? 1967 : 1956) + (WeekDay(time) * 12) % 28;
+  var recent_year = (InLeapYear(time) == 0 ? 1967 : 1956) +
+      (WeekDay(time) * 12) % 28;
+  // Find the year in the range 2008..2037 that is equivalent mod 28.
+  // Add 3*28 to give a positive argument to the modulus operator.
+  return 2008 + (recent_year + 3*28 - 2008) % 28;

  function EquivalentTime(t) {
    // The issue here is that some library calls don't work right for dates
-  // that cannot be represented using a signed 32 bit integer (measured in
-  // whole seconds based on the 1970 epoch).
+  // that cannot be represented using a non-negative signed 32 bit integer
+  // (measured in whole seconds based on the 1970 epoch).
    // We solve this by mapping the time to a year with same leap-year-ness
-  // and same starting day for the year.
-  // As an optimization we avoid finding an equivalent year in the common
-  // case.  We are measuring in ms here so the 32 bit signed integer range
-  // is +-(1<<30)*1000 ie approximately +-2.1e20.
-  if (t >= -2.1e12 && t <= 2.1e12) return t;
+  // and same starting day for the year.  The ECMAscript specification says
+  // we must do this, but for compatability with other browsers, we use
+  // the actual year if it is in the range 1970..2037
+  if (t >= 0 && t <= 2.1e12) return t;
    var day = MakeDay(EquivalentYear(YearFromTime(t)), MonthFromTime(t),  
    return TimeClip(MakeDate(day, TimeWithinDay(t)));

Modified: branches/0.3/src/
--- branches/0.3/src/  (original)
+++ branches/0.3/src/  Tue Dec  2 05:49:36 2008
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@

  #include <windows.h>

+#include <time.h>  // For LocalOffset() implementation.
  #include <mmsystem.h>  // For timeGetTime().
  #include <dbghelp.h>  // For SymLoadModule64 and al.
  #include <tlhelp32.h>  // For Module32First and al.
@@ -318,6 +319,8 @@
    // Just return if timezone information has already been initialized.
    if (tz_initialized_) return;

+  // Initialize POSIX time zone data.
+  _tzset();
    // Obtain timezone information from operating system.
    memset(&tzinfo_, 0, sizeof(tzinfo_));
    if (GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzinfo_) == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) {
@@ -391,9 +394,9 @@
    static bool initialized = false;
    static TimeStamp init_time;
    static DWORD init_ticks;
-  static const int kHundredNanosecondsPerSecond = 10000;
-  static const int kMaxClockElapsedTime =
-      60*60*24*kHundredNanosecondsPerSecond;  // 1 day
+  static const int64_t kHundredNanosecondsPerSecond = 10000000;
+  static const int64_t kMaxClockElapsedTime =
+      60*kHundredNanosecondsPerSecond;  // 1 minute

    // If we are uninitialized, we need to resync the clock.
    bool needs_resync = !initialized;
@@ -424,30 +427,37 @@

  // Return the local timezone offset in milliseconds east of UTC. This
  // takes into account whether daylight saving is in effect at the time.
+// Only times in the 32-bit Unix range may be passed to this function.
+// Also, adding the time-zone offset to the input must not overflow.
+// The function EquivalentTime() in date-delay.js guarantees this.
  int64_t Time::LocalOffset() {
    // Initialize timezone information, if needed.

-  // Convert timestamp to date/time components. These are now in UTC
-  // format. NB: Please do not replace the following three calls with one
-  // call to FileTimeToLocalFileTime(), because it does not handle
-  // daylight saving correctly.
-  FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft(), &utc);
-  // Convert to local time, using timezone information.
-  SYSTEMTIME local;
-  SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tzinfo_, &utc, &local);
-  // Convert local time back to a timestamp. This timestamp now
-  // has a bias similar to the local timezone bias in effect
-  // at the time of the original timestamp.
-  Time localtime;
-  SystemTimeToFileTime(&local, &localtime.ft());
-  // The difference between the new local timestamp and the original
-  // timestamp and is the local timezone offset.
-  return localtime.Diff(this);
+  Time rounded_to_second(*this);
+  rounded_to_second.t() = rounded_to_second.t() / 1000 / kTimeScaler *
+      1000 * kTimeScaler;
+  // Convert to local time using POSIX localtime function.
+  // Windows XP Service Pack 3 made SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime()
+  // very slow.  Other browsers use localtime().
+  // Convert from JavaScript milliseconds past 1/1/1970 0:00:00 to
+  // POSIX seconds past 1/1/1970 0:00:00.
+  double unchecked_posix_time = rounded_to_second.ToJSTime() / 1000;
+  if (unchecked_posix_time > INT_MAX || unchecked_posix_time < 0) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Because _USE_32BIT_TIME_T is defined, time_t is a 32-bit int.
+  time_t posix_time = static_cast<time_t>(unchecked_posix_time);
+  // Convert to local time, as struct with fields for day, hour, year, etc.
+  tm posix_local_time_struct;
+  if (localtime_s(&posix_local_time_struct, &posix_time)) return 0;
+  // Convert local time in struct to POSIX time as if it were a UTC time.
+  time_t local_posix_time = _mkgmtime(&posix_local_time_struct);
+  Time localtime(1000.0 * local_posix_time);
+  return localtime.Diff(&rounded_to_second);

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