On 2014/11/21 12:34:02, Andrew Hayden wrote:
I'm not too worried about the approach; it's not pretty, but GYP is obtuse
things like this. More reasons to get the GN migration done, IMO, not that
should be an excuse for poor code quality.

Anyhow: Two thoughts.
1. It would be nice to have a comment in each of your condition blocks that succinctly tells the reader that the only difference is the addition of the
random-seed args. That way you don't have to sit there and carefully
every option to see if they're really the same.

2. You might conceivably shrink the redundant bits a little by setting up
variables to hold the common args (as a list variable). You should be able to use a list inside a list, so the args to the action should be theoretically
to handle a variable (boilerplate_args or something) as well as your custom
random-seed arg.

#1 won't be necessary if you do #2. But I can live with #1, and it's probably

As discussed offline, it would be better if you could avoid having to redefine
the variables, and only redefine the 'action' in each of the condition /
target_condition blocks. This may not be possible, but what should be possible
is to simply reuse the same code as was there before in each of the blocks
rather than splitting out the v8_random_seed into two different action blocks.


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