On 2015/04/14 14:53:44, caitp wrote:
I made a little benchmark, the results aren't super-promising:

=== With @@toStringTag in prototype ===
        Runs: 100000
       Total: 655.3990000000385ms
     Average: 0.006553990000000385ms

=== No @@toStringTag ===
        Runs: 100000
       Total: 180.22799999993367ms
     Average: 0.0018022799999993368ms

(a bunch of functions are created, each subsequent function inherits
prototypically from the previous one, prototypes are mutated with a series of properties and elements with different value types --- in one set of runs, the
top function's prototype has @@toStringTag set --- in the second run,
@@toStringTag is not set anywhere).

It's impressive, but it seems to go faster when the property isn't there at
Maybe something can be done about that

The source for the little benchmark is at
https://gist.github.com/caitp/41d2a0fed5d6fe6a5f84 --- it's entirely possible
that the test causes problems for the optimizing compiler)


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