Comment #5 on issue 4101 by Switch default build
tool to ninja - under the hood
An ad-hoc experiment on the benefits:
- build d8 in Debug + Release, by 2x calling ninja in sequence: ~ 40..43s
- build both Debug/d8 and Release/d8 by calling the ninja on the combined
files: 30..34s.
So ~15..25% build time win for two configs.
Methodology was super simple, though:
- rm -rf out out2
- gclient runhooks
- /usr/bin/time ninja -C... d8 (for each of the three configs)
- lightly loaded workstation.
I repeated the whole thing 3 times, making sure to vary the order of the
builds to exclude caching effects.
I'm reporting on the "elapsed time", ie. real time. "user" and "system"
times were very close together, which isn't surprising since the actual CPU
time consumed should be roughly the same. It's just that real has improved,
because the combined run has better parallelism.
Debug Release combined
30.06s 11.59s 34.60s
28.14s 12.39s 30.82s
30.58s 13.12s 30.83s
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