On 2015/07/11 at 17:09:02, caitpotter88 wrote:
On 2015/07/10 17:24:39, adamk wrote:
> Just to link discussions together further, the spec-world discussion about
> is taking place at:

Per the discussion in the etherpad, the best thing to do is probably just to
install [Unforgeable] + readonly @@toStringTag/@@isConcatSpreadable/etc
attributes on cross-origin objects, and ignore the security check.

Preferred? Not preferred?

My reading of the etherpad doesn't match this interpretation. In the current
Blink implementation, an [Unforgeable] attribute will have the same value to all
observers (not just cross-origin accesses). The draft "spec" in the etherpad
suggests that each access to a frame from another origin generates a new Window


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