On 2015/07/01 17:47:23, rossberg wrote:
On 2015/07/01 12:16:57, bradn wrote:
> Some other type system questions:
> * Should Function(R, S, T0, T1...) types be unionable with each other? (I.e.
> I use them to express the overloaded nature of Math.abs etc?) Some care will
> required at a VisitCall to disentangle which concrete version is relevant.

Overloading is intersection, not union. In some cases, this can be converted
union on the argument types (using distributivity over the functional
implication), but not in general. In particular, there is no way to represent
the overloading of Math.abs,

   (int -> int) /\ (double -> double)

with union only.

Unfortunately, our type system cannot represent arbitrary intersections. (It
a well-known result in type theory that adding both union + intersection types to a type system leads to combinatorial explosion that you want to avoid at

So function types themselves can be unioned, but that isn't what you want, and not very useful. For all cases but Math.abs that occur in asm.js you can get away with unioning the arguments, though. I'd simply try to handle Math.abs as
special case (like asm already does for operators).

> UnionType seems to be considered an implementation internal. Would adding a
> to iterate over union members be ok?

No, that's intentionally not provided (other than the iteration over classes
constants, which is already kind of fishy). Because of the above, it probably
wouldn't help you either.

> * Should a function like fround ( Undefined \/ float32 \/ float64 ->
> work as expected?

I think so, although I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "as expected". :)

> * Should Arrays of a single Function type work correctly?

Yes. All the types should be fully compositional.

> * Any recommendations on how to represent an ArrayBuffer? I may be able to
> this one, though, as the spec does not seem to permit variables of this type
> other than the module parameter, so I could special case it.

Until recently there actually was a (bitset) type for that, but we removed it
because of bit pressure.

If you can get away without for now, that would be easiest. We still have to
solve the bit issue mid-term, however.

> * I think ArrayBuffer might not need to be expressed, but in general is
> some way I've missed to express a sentinel type (i.e. something that won't
> quietly slip by union/intersect but can be checked for explicitly?)

The easiest is a bit, which we don't have. :) Other than that, we probably
to add a structural type for Sentinels in the future.

In some cases you might get away with creating a sentinel Class over some
map for the time being (or a dummy Constant). Depends on what you need to
express. What else besides ArrayBuffer?

> * I want to double check using the types.h types makes sense for asm
> validation/typing?
> Before you'd pointed me at your CL I'd been going down the road of a type
> local to asm validation, mirroring the typing rules and types (intish etc)
> the asm.js spec. I had figured on converting to types.h types as each ast
> is visited, since with asm, at each step concrete types are known, and type
> unions less critical.
> So far it seems like using types.h allows for a safe superset of asm.js, and
> does seem to be a good deal more concise than where adding another type
> was going.

Yes, I'd strongly prefer using the existing types. Especially since you'll
probably need to forward them to the Turbofan backend in some form anyway.
of what you are missing from the types currently is needed elsewhere as well,
we strongly want to resolve it. (We are currently discussing e.g. the bit

Is this issue now obsolete with our validator?


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