fyi, as we'll probably continue to use the same codereview tool as the rest
of chromium projects

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andrew Bonventre <>
Date: Di., 12. Juli 2016, 23:24
Subject: [blink-dev] [ANN] Moving from Rietveld to Gerrit
To: Chromium-dev <>, blink-dev <>, <>

The Chromium project is moving away from Rietveld to a revamped version of
Gerrit for our main Code Review tool.

The conservative estimate is Q4 of 2016. There are already some Chromium
teams dogfooding the new Polymer-based UI (called PolyGerrit) and we are
using their feedback to ensure that there is both a smooth transition and
developer needs are met. This process will continue as we onboard more

We (Chromium) are the only customers of Rietveld (
and its internal counterpart) and maintenance of the tool has been
delegated to a single person. The codebase has become a liability over the
years and speed has become a major issue.

Gerrit is a fast, secure, and fully-featured code review tool built as a
successor to Rietveld. It is already used by some Chrome subteams along
with the Android, Go, and Bazel teams (as well as many others both inside
and outside Google). It is also a fully staffed project with heavy
investment from Google. This also means full-time UX support.

Its front-end is being re-written using Polymer, a standards-based library
that allows us to take advantage of Web Components. This UI is the one that
Chromium will be transitioning to (though you are welcome to use the old UI
if you like).

*Can I see current progress on PolyGerrit?*
Yes. Download this extension
then visit You can then toggle
between the two UIs.

*How can I start dogfooding it now?*
We still have plenty to do on the infrastructure side of things before many
teams can move over. If you have a sub-project you think may qualify for
early migration, email me and +Andrii Shyshkalov <>.

*How can I follow progress?*
All bugs related to the migration have the label Proj-Gerrit-Migration
Additionally, on the Gerrit project, there is a list of Chromium-specific

*What will happen to Rietveld?*
Rietveld will be put in read-only mode to preserve change history.
Potential migration of changes to Gerrit will be considered after the
switch. A unified CL search interface is being strongly considered.

*Why not continue to just maintain Rietveld?*
The Chromium infra team is stretched far too thin as it is and keeping the
status quo of having one or no owner for the Rietveld codebase isn’t
tenable given its fragility. The bus factor is just too low. That coupled
with the duplication of effort across the Gerrit and Rietveld projects, it
doesn’t make strategic sense. We would rather focus on more important work
that will bring immediate benefit to Chromium developers.

*Why don’t you move the current Rietveld v2 UI on top of Gerrit?*
The current Rietveld v2 UI is written in Polymer 0.5, which is no longer
supported by the Polymer team. There is a non-trivial amount of work that
will go into porting it to 1.0. In addition, there are certain workflows
within Gerrit that must be supported, so blindly porting the new Rietveld
UI could potentially omit those workflows and cause confusion.

*Will this change my current command-line development workflow?*
No. git cl will support a Rietveld-style workflow with Gerrit
transparently. You can follow this tracking bug to be informed on feature
parity with git cl on Rietveld.

*I heard I can’t “LGTM with nits.” This is a huge productivity loss if I’m
working with people across timezones. Will I have to approve again if the
author uploads another patchset?*
No. Being able to submit a commit that doesn't exactly match the one that
got approved is a per-project configuration option — you can choose in the
config whether approvals are “sticky” or only per-patchset.

*Are you going to go inside a hole for six months, return with a new tool,
and then force everyone to use it?*
No. Developer feedback (both from Chrome devs and current Gerrit users)
will be crucial for the UI rewrite to be a success. We will be as
transparent as possible with progress and will establish a feedback loop
very early on. This isn’t about just alleviating maintenance burden, but
making a tool that is crucial to everyone’s workflow better.

If you have any questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to
reach out.

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