Looking for some design guidance on how to use V8 in my project. Below is 
use case:

I have JS script which has multiple functions. For example:

*function add(x, y) {*
*    return (x + y);*

*function subtract(x, y) {*
*    return (x -y);*

*function performTask(x, y) {*
*    return (add(x, y) * subtract(x,y));*

One function will be called by multiple threads. For example: multiple 
threads are calling *performTask(x, y)*.

One part of script doesn't change while other can. For example: 
performTask(x, y) implementation can change when new script is available.
What should be best approach? Can I have single Isolate and Context? Or I 
need different Isolate and Context for every thread?

I would really appreciate an example code for multi threading use case.


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