Unfortunately this won't work 100% of the time. V8's GC may move objects,
so the address you would need to watch is not fixed.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:25 PM <eloy.de.en...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m completely new to v8, so bare with me. Because the node debugging
> facility lacks the ability to define watchpoints (i.e. break when a
> variable changes), I was thinking that maybe I could do so at the VM level
> using lldb/gdb.
> The code I’m trying to debug tries to access a global variable, which
> somewhere during execution gets set to `null`. A pseudo example looks like:
> ```
> var doc = document
> debugger // <- here the object is a non-null value as expected
> // Enzyme (a React testing utility) renders an async React tree and
> somewhere during that period `document` gets set to `null`
> mount(<SomeComponentThatDoesAsyncRendering />) // <- an exception is
> raised because `document` is `null`
> ```
> My thinking is:
> 1. I use node/v8’s JS debugger to hit a breakpoint where I know the
> variable is what I expect it to be
> 2. break using lldb/gdb, find the JS variable
> 3. set a native watchpoint or a conditional breakpoint on the VM code that
> assigns variables for the address of the JS variable
> 4. when the native breakpoint hits, get a JS execution stack trace to find
> the location that is assigning the new (`null`) value
> Does this make any sense?
> Cheers,
> Eloy
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