We are observing in dumps collected by Crashpad that if the crash was due 
to V8_Fatal, the relevant data might not be included.

For example, in v8::internal::ConcurrentMarking::Run: 
  current_marked_bytes += visitor.Visit(map, object);
might hit UNREACHABLE() if visitor_id in the map is invalid:  

[\v8\src\heap\concurrent-marking.cc @ 821]:
  821 00007ffd`f46738c4 4489bc248c000000 mov     dword ptr [rsp+8Ch],r15d
  821 00007ffd`f46738cc 4c8b20           mov     r12,qword ptr [rax]
  822 00007ffd`f46738cf 488bbc24d0110000 mov     rdi,qword ptr [rsp+11D0h]
  822 00007ffd`f46738d7 418a44240a       mov     al,byte ptr [r12+0Ah]
  822 00007ffd`f46738dc 3c37             cmp     al,37h // case 
  822 00007ffd`f46738de 0f8709320000     ja      
v8::internal::ConcurrentMarking::Run+0x38ad (00007ffd`f4676aed)  Branch
[\v8\src\heap\concurrent-marking.cc @ 879]:
  879 00007ffd`f4676aed 488d0d14291e04  lea     rcx,[(00007ffd`f8859408)]
  879 00007ffd`f4676af4 4c8d059a222704  lea     r8,[(00007ffd`f88e8d95)]
  879 00007ffd`f4676afb 31d2            xor     edx,edx
  879 00007ffd`f4676afd e87e22d701      call    V8_Fatal (00007ffd`f63e8d80)
Producing a callstack similar to this:
00 base::win::`anonymous namespace'::ForceCrashOnSigAbort
01 raise
02 v8::base::OS::Abort
03 V8_Fatal
04 v8::internal::ConcurrentMarking::Run
05 base::TaskAnnotator::RunTask
It would be useful to see the map and the nearby memory around the bad 
object to speculate about the possible cause of the corruption. However, 
even though the local "object" in the frame is captured:
0:014> .frame 4; dv object
04 000000dc`aa7fe1c0 00007ffd`f3efdd57 
[\v8\src\heap\concurrent-marking.cc @ 879] 
(*((v8::internal::HeapObject *)0xdcaa7ff390))
    [+0x000] ptr_             : 0x54f91472b6c1 [Type: unsigned __int64]

the target memory for it isn't included into the dump. 
r12 (see 00007ffd`f46738d7) is pushed onto the stack by raise so can figure 
it out, but its target memory region is also not included into the dump. 
Dead end.

What are the heuristics used by Crashpad when determining which data to 
include into the dump? They seem to work sufficiently well when the crash 
is caused by a read/write AV directly on a local variable but not when 
V8_Fatal is involved.
I'd expect to see similar issues with dumps for crashes on CHECK, etc. What 
could be done to make them more actionable?

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