Title: Intent to Implement: Intl.NumberFormat Unified API Proposal

Contact emails

ft...@chromium.com, s...@chromium.com





Design doc/Spec



Improves Intl.NumberFormat by adding support for measurement units,
currency and sign display policies, and scientific and compact notation.


There are many requests for adding number-formatting-related features to
ECMA-402 for Intl.NumberFormat. These features are important to both end
users and to websites. Since most of these features require carrying along
large amounts of locale data for proper i18n support, exposing these
features via a JavaScript API reduces bandwidth and lowers the barrier to
entry for i18n best practices.

Rather than complicate Intl with more constructors with heavily overlapping
functionality, this proposal is to restructure the spec of
Intl.NumberFormat to make it more easily support additional features in a
"unified" way.


Interoperability and Compatibility

This API change the pre-existing Intl.NumberFormat API by adding new
options to control the formatted output. It is advanced to TC39 Stage 3 in
the end of Oct 2018.


The implementation depend on newer ICU class LocalizedNumberFormatter
class, which require us to switch from the old NumberFormat. The switching
in cl  1392233 <https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/1392233>
speed up the Intl.NumberFormat constructor x4 in speed.

During the prototype phrase we identify a size increase issue of this
proposal and work with the ECMA402 committee to reduce the scope of the
number of “units” supported in the proposal.


Web developers could use the API immediately upon our shipment, based on
the usage of previous well supported Intl.NumberFormat object.


Nothing special.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

Tests under tc39/test262 will includes many tests to test this API. Under

Link to entry on the feature dashboard <https://www.chromestatus.com/>


Requesting approval to ship?

“No”. The feature is behind a runtime flag
harmony_unified_intl_numberformat and
I will later send an Intent to Ship
email when I am ready to enable by default.

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