Per popular demand, we renamed this to "DevTools Language Components" to 
avoid the confusion with Language Servers for IDEs.


On Friday, October 11, 2019 at 8:51:06 AM UTC+2, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Following up on the prototyping work around Wasm Debugging with LLDB, 
> we're starting to realize that it might not work out to just pull in LLDB 
> combined with DWARF to create an excellent Wasm debugging experience. What 
> we are looking for in the end is a solution, where DevTools is able to 
> debug applications consisting of various JavaScript and WebAssembly parts 
> seamlessly. Based on the current experiments (thanks a lot to the folks 
> that ran the experiments here, which helped a lot to gain a better 
> understanding of the problem space) it seems that full LLDB is always going 
> to assume that *it's driving the car*, when in reality the JavaScript 
> engines debugger has to *drive the car* in order to make the whole thing 
> work across language barriers.
> Following along this thought we realized that for modern JavaScript we 
> already have very similar problems to WebAssembly. I.e. the code that the 
> application is written in is usually not the code that the browser engines 
> sees. And the current solution here - which is source maps - is far from 
> sufficient to address this issue.
> This brought us to consider the idea of language servers, which has been 
> proposed before, as a way to make forward progress here. Some discussions 
> have already happened around this, but I'd like to make sure to include 
> everyone here from the beginning, so I created an initial design proposal (
>, so let's use that as a basis 
> for further discussion. In essence it describes two possible high level 
> solutions how to address the current problem.
> Please let me know what you think.
> cheers,
> Benedikt
> -- 
> Benedikt Meurer
> Chromium DevTools TL
> <javascript:>
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