Hi all,
    I write a simple code to test wasm.
#include <wasm_simd128.h>
#include <iostream>
int fun(v128_t a,v128_t b) {
    v128_t prod = wasm_i8x16_add(a, b);
    return prod[0];
int main() {
    v128_t a = {1};
    v128_t b = {5};
    return fun(a,b);
test.wasm:      file format wasm 0x1

Code Disassembly:

0000ea func[0] <__wasm_call_ctors>:
 0000eb: 0b                         | end
0000ed func[1]:
 0000ee: 20 01                      | local.get 1
 0000f0: 20 00                      | local.get 0
 0000f2: fd 6e                      | i8x16.add
 0000f4: fd 1b 00                   | i32x4.extract_lane 0
 0000f7: 0b                         | end
--- WebAssembly code ---
index: 1
kind: wasm function
compiler: TurboFan
Body (size = 288 = 264 + 24 padding)
Instructions (size = 256)
0x377a710d80     0  00a00e13       li        t3, 10
0x377a710d84     4  fe810113       addi      sp, sp, -24
0x377a710d88     8  00113823       sd        ra, 16(sp)
0x377a710d8c     c  00813423       sd        fp, 8(sp)
0x377a710d90    10  01c13023       sd        t3, 0(sp)
0x377a710d94    14  00810413       addi      fp, sp, 8
0x377a710d98    18  ff810113       addi      sp, sp, -8

When i run it by d8, i find wasm func[1] be compiled by TurboFan.
Is it possible to compile only with liftoff?

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