Hello all, 

We are working on a research project and one functionality we are trying to 
implement is to hook the entry point of a JS function, and then backtrack 
to determine the scope in which the input parameters for this function were 

To implement hooking the entry point of a function, we used an approach 
similar to the *--trace* flag, and it is working well. However, we are 
facing issues when implementing the  "backtracking" to determine the 
creation scope of the input parameters. 

To provide an example in what we are trying to achieve, I have provided a 
program* below. In this sample program, the goal of our instrumentation 
will be to hook the *send* function and eventually learn that the input 
parameter, *data*, was created in the *sendData* function. 

*Sample Program: *

function send(data) 
function preSend(data) 
function sendData() 
  var data = 


*Our Current Approach*
Our current approach to determine the creation scope is to iterate the JS 
call stack, and then access the context for each function. Using the 
context, we then are calling *context.scope_info()* to reference the 
*ScopeInfo*, which will hopefully provide information related to the 
variables created in this scope. The intuition behind this approach is 
based on the comment in `src/objects/contexts.h` which suggests that at 
runtime a parallel 'context stack' is created. 

However, we have found that when walking the Javascript stack, when we 
check the context of each function, the context() method always returns a 
*NativeContext*, which is the same for each function. For example, in the 
snippet below,  the object returned by *it.frame()->context() *is the same 
for every function on the stack for the sample program above. 

Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate);
while (!it.done()) {
std::cout << "Function: " << it.frame()->function() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Context: " << it.frame()->context() << std::endl;

Can anyone provide any suggestions on how to access the scope of a specific 
function, and on the feasibility of this approach? We are also open to 
other approaches for achieving this.  


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